Sunday, September 2, 2012


我 要 原 谅 你

原 谅 你 

我 的 心  会 很 好 过





Monday, August 6, 2012

today's lesson

拥有  就是失去的开始

- 我可能不会爱上你

Saturday, August 4, 2012


glad that this is no longer an emo post.

thunder and storm have finally over. 

have been real busy recently

well, i was in a dilemma between financial sector and F&B industry, 

which is my friend's business which sell burgers

the former one is kinda stable, comfortable and "normal"

i mean, at least its related to what i used to study. 

but it may be a lil bit dull, because I'm expected to work from 9-5 like everyone else.

while the later is full of uncertainty, tired and abnormal

I mean, not many ppl who study finance and economics will go and sell burgers..

But to me, there are definitely quite a lot pros for choose the later one

business has been good for the past 4 weeks, responses were overwhelming, 

me and kah fai definitely work like crazy from early morning till 11 or 12 at night,

but our bosses were worse than us, way more exhausted than us.. phew..

let's see how thing goes.. 

I give myself one year to give it a try,

do my best to help to built up this business,

there are really a lot of things to learn in this industry,

 no matter in dealing with kitchen preparation, customers,  or in term of management...

 a lot of problems solving case, which I can't really contribute anything yet =/ 

however, i must say, it makes my life full of excitements

mainly thank to the ultimate frisbee comonity ,

 most of my working partners are ultimate players. 

glad that boy friend is with me, the crews are awesome and helpful,

bosses are not bossy and boom-able. 

Im not sure that how long will this last, since the business is still new. 

But at least, I love what I am doing now. All the best to me. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sunday, July 8, 2012



I shouldn't be

Why so sad? 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Turning point

对,turning point


是好是坏 我还是得面对

感觉很不对 因为一切习惯的 Daily Routine 


大学是个 comfort zone



所以我说我要成为变色龙 观颜察色 步步为营

对人 对事 绝对要醒目


还有要看得开 看得很开


Friday, June 8, 2012



那些 Assessment 也很难啊!

Interview 也难啊!!!

(U_______U) 555555555

Monday, April 16, 2012



Wednesday, March 14, 2012



活到 22 岁了难道到这一刻才发觉吗?








会卯起来蹉跎 ”




Sunday, March 11, 2012

Impressive sleeping experiences

I guess it's the season of dreaming again,

I have been dreaming non stop at night in the past 2 weeks.

what's remained amazing is how I remember the contents of my dreams, 

some are very detailed one, detailed until panda surprised. 

like seriously every time when I wake up in the morning I will refresh what had been going on in the past few hours,

sometimes I even get frustrated with my incomplete task in my dream, 

I feel like going back into the dream to finish it up.

like one night i dreamed of myself saving an aquarium of golden fishes.. 

I remember myself were really busy of changing the water for fishes as the water in the original aquarium has been polluted and the fishes were dying soon.. 

there were so many obstacles to stop me from saving the fishes.. 

and before I manage to do it..

I ended up wake up with a fast heart-beating, i was just too nervous in the dream, 

and that's not the only time I wake up in such a condition, 

imagine how much energy i consumed when i was dreaming

I guess i dream-talking a lot too when i was sleeping.. 

my brain didn't rest well, so did my mouth.

Ouh, such an adventurous sleeping experiences, 

Sometimes I really wonder hard where do all these random dreams coming from?

like seriously most of them came out of no where, 

for example yesterday night i dreamed of Soon Lay teaching erhu in Nottingham, 

I met her and she showed cold-face to me. 

Shit, I really wonder how is this related to my real life, and what do my dreams trying to tell me? hinting something? 

There is one night I think i experience Inception, I dreamed of I was dreaming of another dream in the dream. I have gone to the third level I believed. 

And again, I wake up with my confused face, asking myself why the hell is my dream so creative.. 

So imagine I'm like living in another world when I was sleeping, 

and then when i wake up, I'm back to this part of the world.. 

Cool HUH? damn I had enough. Enough for dreaming. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Y O U 人 尔

I emo When I feel bad about myself

I feel bad about myself because I think Im not improving in frisbee but getting worse

and I dont seem doing well in my studies either 

When I feel so shitty about myself, 

thank him for always be there to cheer me up

every small thing I did to him makes me look good

like preparing him breakfast before school or massage his leg when he is tired

i feel so enlightened when i see smile in his satisfied face and say i'm the best for him

his appreciation has special power to make me believe that I'm not as shitty as what i thought

Heeeeeee : D 

no more emo, just like magic



Tuesday, February 28, 2012


当觉得自己有好胜的态度时 我会不喜欢自己 

最好我可以永远以世无争 一直以世无争

以世无争但又要积极 积极什么?

做好自己的本分 真的就很好了

Sunday, February 5, 2012




家人, 陪了




